oemar's family

oemar's family

the first son

the first son, a bundle of joy
bringing love that nothing can destroy
a precious gift, a blessing pure
a love that's infinite and sure

with tiny hands and tiny feet
a heart that's full, so pure and sweet
a new beginning, a cherished role
a love that fills the heart and soul

from first steps to first words spoken
a journey of love that's never broken
with laughter, tears, and memories made
a son's love, an eternal cascade

through all life's seasons, highs and lows
a son's love continues to grow
from boyhood to manhood, a precious sight
a son's love, a guiding light

so here's to you, my dearest son
a love that's endless, second to none
a bond that's deep, a heart that's true
forever cherished, always anew










































































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